Kontron acquires COMLAB

Press Release product1

About us

The Swiss company COMLAB has been a specialist in high-frequency technology in the railways sector for 40 years, and develops, manufactures, sells and installs communication systems for various applications. Our key customers include international rail and train building companies, as well as mobile operators and emergency services organisations. With over 250 employees and branches in Germany and China and its global co-operation with a wide range of partners, COMLAB is able to respond effectively to the requirements of its customers all over the world.

COMLAB Deutschland GmbH
Itterpark 2 | D-40724 Hilden
Phone +49 30 755 45 26 70
Fax +49 30 755 45 26 71

COMLAB (Beijing) Co., Ltd
Ground Floor | Tower B | Zhongchu Building N023
ShijingshanLu | Shijingshan District Beijing 100049 | P.R. China
Phone +86 (0) 10 6888 0043
Fax +86 (0) 10 6886 0561
Hotline/Support 4006-50-8108
